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《飙酷车神2》更新计划:大型更新免费 不会分流玩家

"Violent wind cool god 2" update plan: large update won't shunt players for free

2018-06-07 10:50:34来源: 游戏时光

今天凌晨,育碧正式公布了《飙酷车神2》的第一年更新计划,其中将包括持续更新的游戏内容,诸如新载具、新赛事等等。根据第一年计划视频介绍,《飙酷车神2》将从游戏发售开始,每个月更新两辆新载具,这些载具都可以通过游戏币购买,并且会开放给所有玩家。拥有季票的玩家则可以提前 7 天免费获得新载具并使用。除开新载具外,《飙酷车神2》初步计划每三个月提供一次大型免费更新,这些更新同样开放给所有玩家,按照官方的说法,这些更新将“改变你的游戏方式”。目前第一个,也就是 9 月的大型更新已经确认,名为“鳄鱼突袭”(Gator Rush)。众所周知鳄鱼是两栖动物,而此次更新的主角则是亦可“两栖”的载具,气垫船。“鳄...

Today early morning, ubisoft formally announced the "violent wind cool god 2" in the first year of updated plan, which will include continuously updated content, such as new vehicles, new events and so on. Video is introduced according to the first year plan, the cool 2, god will begin from the release, updated every month two new vehicle, the vehicle can be purchased through the game currency, and will be open to all players. The player with season tickets are available free 7 days in advance of new vehicles and use. Apart from the new vehicles, the violent wind cool god 2 preliminary plan every three months to provide a large free updates, the updates it is open to all players, according to the official, these updates will change the way you play. September is the first, that is, large update has confirmed that called "crocodile raid" (Gator Rush). Known amphibians are crocodiles, and the leading role of this update is also "amphibious" vehicle, the hovercraft. "Crocodile...