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Steam冬季促销开始 超多游戏史低价

History of Steam winter promotion began more than a game at a low price

2017-12-22 10:57:03来源: 游戏时光

今日凌晨 Steam 冬季特惠正式开始,商店游戏几乎全线打折。本次特惠将持续2周时间,2017年12月22日 - 1月5日至2018年1月5日上午2时(CST)结束。伴随着这次冬季特惠,Steam还为大家带来了2017年STEAM 大奖的最终名单以及投票评选活动,Steam 秋季特卖中社区提名的以下游戏进入最终候选名单。每天均有不同奖项等您投票。每天投票均可获得特别 Steam 大奖集换式卡牌。获奖名单将于1月4日揭晓。特惠期间玩家可以通过集齐全套 Steam 大奖集换式卡牌合成为 Steam 大奖徽章。该徽章以及各额外级别,能增加 Steam 经验值。获得集换式卡牌的方式有:Steam 商店...

Today in the morning the official start of the Steam winter interludes, store the game almost across the board at a discount. This preference will last 2 weeks, on December 22, 2017 - January 5 to the morning of January 5, 2018 at 2 end (CST). With the winter interludes, the Steam also bring you the final list of Steam in 2017 awards and voting activity, Steam community nomination in the sale of the following games fall into the final list. Every day have different prizes waiting for your vote. Every vote a special Steam awards set can be obtained in the card. Winners will be unveiled on January 4. During the preferential players can set is complete set of Steam awards set in type card synthesis for Steam award badges. The badge and the additional level, to increase Steam experience. Get set in type card way: Steam store...

标签: 游戏 Steam