新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016中华文化人物提名嘉宾:表演艺术家秦怡


2016 Chinese cultural figures to nominate guests: yi qin performance artists

2017-01-09 17:28:39来源: 中国新闻网

秦怡:跨越世纪的美丽 中新网1月9日电 她身上延续了旧上海女人的知性与风情,却抛弃了十里洋场的所有风尘与轻浮。周恩来总理曾盛赞她是全中国最美的女性,施瓦辛格曾扬言她是自己最崇拜的中国影星。著名剧作...

Yi qin: the beauty of the across century news agency on January 9 (Reuters) her continued the old Shanghai women's intellectual and amorous feelings, but abandoned the glamour to all their journeys and frivolous. Premier zhou enlai had praised her is the most beautiful women in China, Schwarzenegger declared is her favorite Chinese movie star. The famous drama...