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鬼屋逃生3D通关攻略 第五部分

The haunted house escape III 3D fifth part

2015-03-16 14:26:07来源: 4399

恐怖的真相逐渐逼近,越来越多的谜团慢慢解开,鬼屋逃生3D的第五部分攻略将带你走进不为人知的灵异世界,不要怕,和波比一起继续前进。 4399波比友情传送:鬼屋逃生3D攻略大全 1、打开门后发现这是一个客厅,来到角落,打开木柜可以获得一颗宝珠。 2、移开木桶,找到一个机关,触发机关。 ...

the horrifying truth gradually approaching, more and more mystery slowly untied, haunted house escape fifth part of 3D strategy will bring you into a mysterious world, unknown, don't be afraid to move forward together, and Bobbi. 4399 Bobbi friendship transfer: Haunted House Escape strategy of 3D Series 1, opened the door and found it to be a living room, come to the corner, opened the wooden cabinet can obtain a orb. 2, remove the barrel, to find an organ, a trigger. ...