新关注 > 信息聚合 > 给这个冬天添把火!首个大空间VR影厅发布会将在北京大饭店举行


Given this winter the fire! The first large space VR near-end conference will be held in Beijing hotel

2017-11-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

12月5日,沉浸世界VR影厅发布会将在北京大饭店举行。届时,世界上第一个完整的大空间VR影厅解决方案将正式揭开面纱。 进入2017年,VR线下娱乐产业发展迅速。不仅VR体验店遍地开花,包括大空间动捕技术、载具设备、可穿戴设备等核心技术也都逐渐成熟。但是缺少行业标准,以及复购率的低下,始终阻碍着VR线下娱乐的发展。 与此同时,线下影院也在今年迎来发展的拐点。根据猫眼专业版的数据报告,2016年全年票房455亿,3.2%的增速同比2015显著下降。而2017年虽然有所回暖,但也难以回到15年的高位。2017上半年,全国票房达到271.26亿,增速10.14%,而五大档期总票房60.8亿,...

On December 5, immersed VR near-end world conference will be held in Beijing hotel. At the appointed time, the large space of the world's first complete VR near-end solution will be officially unveiled. Entering 2017, VR offline entertainment industry is developing rapidly. VR experience shops blossom everywhere, not only including large space dynamic capture technology, vehicle equipment, wearable equipment core technology are also gradually mature. But the lack of industry standards, and after purchase rate is low, hindering the development of VR offline entertainment always. At the same time, offline cinema also usher in the development of the inflection point this year. In 2016, according to the cat's eye pro data report, box office for the whole year of 45.5 billion, 3.2% growth in 2015 year-on-year decline significantly. In 2017, although some recovery, but also difficult to return to level in 15 years. In the first half of 2017, the national sales reached 27.126 billion, growth of 10.14%, and the five season total box office 6.08 billion,...

标签: VR