新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让手游飞 任天堂在美招募iOS和安卓开发者

让手游飞 任天堂在美招募iOS和安卓开发者

Let hand Fei Nintendo in the United States to recruit IOS and Android developers

2015-09-10 11:30:48来源: 南方网

摘要:在这个手游大行其道的年代,不管之前是不是做手游的都想涉足并试图大赚一笔,直到 2014 年,任天堂仍旧面不改色地表示不会考虑移动平台,可是没过多久,在 2015 年 3 月,任天堂宣布与老牌移动游戏公司 DeNA 合作,至此,“将现有的一些 Wii U 和 3DS 游戏搬到移动平台...

Abstract: in this tour is popular in, before the matter is not made of hand travel to dabble in and try to make a fortune, until 2014, Nintendo still matter of factly said won't consider moving platform. Not long after, however, in March 2015, Nintendo announced with old mobile gaming company Dena cooperation, up to this point, "the existing some Wii u and 3DS games moved to mobile platforms.