新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝热火计划明年3月裁掉波什 只为腾出薪金空间

曝热火计划明年3月裁掉波什 只为腾出薪金空间

Exposure to heat plan cut bosh next march Just to make cap space

2016-10-13 07:36:39来源: 新浪

波什 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月13日,克里斯-波什与迈阿密热火队已经彻底闹僵,他正寻求在其它球队复出的可能性。据著名NBA记者扎克-罗维报道,热火队预计将会等到明年3月份才正式裁掉波什。 ...

Bosh sina sports - Beijing time on October 13, Chris bosh and the Miami heat has soured thoroughly, he is seeking the possibility of other team comeback. According to a report in the famous NBA reporter zach - lowe, Miami is expected to formally laid off bosh until next march. ...