新关注 > 信息聚合 > 硕美科汉宫夺CFS2015世界总决赛冠军


SOMIC won the world championship finals at CFS2015

2015-12-08 16:26:14来源: 中关村在线

年度盛事为期三天的CFS 2015 世界总决赛今天在中国广州天河体育中心天河体育馆顺利落下帷幕!中国硕美科汉宫战队凭借稳定而坚毅的状态与精神,队员们表现极其出色,在十二支世界代表队中脱颖而出,一路过关斩将,最终在决赛力压欧洲联盟的PENTA战队,顺利登上世界之巅,一举夺得CFS2015世...

The annual event for a period of three days CFS 2015 world finals in Guangzhou today Chinese Tianhe Sports Center, the Tianhe stadium successfully concluded! SOMIC China palace with stable and strong team spirit and team members, extremely good performance, in the twelve world team talent shows itself, all the way through, in the final against the European Union's PENTA team, successfully boarded the top of the world, won the CFS2015 world...

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