新关注 > 信息聚合 > 顾家家居:用匠心打造舒适的品质家具


Family home: with the quality of the craftsmanship to create comfortable furniture

2016-07-29 07:56:14来源: 杭州网

顾家家居副总裁兼品牌与用户服务中心总监刘宏 作为杭派家具品牌的代表,顾家家居自创立以来,专业从事客餐厅及卧室家具产品的研究、开发、生产与销售。目前,顾家家居的产品已经从杭州走向了全世界,在沙发和软...

Vice President and family household brand 19 with the user service center director As a representative of the hangzhou sent furniture brand, since the founding of family household, the specialty is engaged in the guest bedroom furniture and restaurant product research, development, production and sales. At present, the family household products have been from hangzhou to the world, on the sofa and soft...