新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三亚从青岛引进44只燕鸥亚成鸟 将接受人工繁殖

三亚从青岛引进44只燕鸥亚成鸟 将接受人工繁殖

Sanya from Qingdao 44 terns and into a bird Will accept the artificial breeding

2016-07-27 14:21:59来源: 大众网

7月25日,小燕鸥在“新家”飞舞、进食、嬉戏。海南日报记者武威 摄 经历了4天3300公里的路程后,7月25日下午,44只从青岛引进的燕鸥亚成鸟运抵三亚。一落地,小燕鸥们活力十足地扑扇着翅膀飞了几...

On July 25, little terns in "new home" dancing, eating and playing. Hainan daily wuwei taken after 4 days of 3300 kilometers, on 25 July afternoon, 44 the terns of imported from Qingdao into a bird arrived in sanya. A fall to the ground, the little terns dynamic was flapping their wings to fly to the few...