新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青少年用网调查:七成遭遇过网络欺凌


Teenagers use network survey, seventy percent experienced cyberbullying

2018-06-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5月31日,共青团中央维护青少年权益部、中国社会科学院社会学研究所以及腾讯公司联合发布了《中国青少年互联网使用及网络安全情况调研报告》。据悉,本次调研报告是国内第一次专门针对青少年网络安全的全国性社会调查。 根据调查显示,当代青少年网民的触网年龄愈发提前,约有超过六成的青少年触网年龄在6-10岁,且八成以上都具备较强的网络使用能力,接近半数的青少年每天上网时长都能控制在两小时以内,24%的青少年每天上网时长达到2-4小时。同时随着网络接入的便捷和普及化,青少年上网地点集中在家庭。 从兴趣点上看,娱乐仍旧是他们最为喜欢的领域,影视、动漫、游戏、音乐收获关注满满,但男女表现出明显的差异化,男...

On May 31, the communist youth league central maintenance youth QuanYiBu, the Chinese academy of social sciences institute of sociology and tencent company jointly issued the "Chinese children's Internet use and Internet security situation investigation report. It is reported, this research report is the first time specifically for teenagers nationwide social survey of network security. Net age, according to the survey of the contemporary teenagers more in advance, about more than a net sixty percent of teens aged 6-10, more than eighty percent and possess strong ability of network use, nearly half of teenagers surf the Internet every day time can be controlled within two hours, 24% of teenagers surf the Internet time reach 2-4 hours a day. At the same time as the network access convenient and universalness, teenagers Internet site focused on family. Look from the point of interest, remains their most favorite entertainment field, film and television, animation, games, music attention, full harvest but men and women show obvious differentiation, male...