新关注 > 信息聚合 > 99名竹编艺人四川青神“赶考”拿证


99 bamboo artist Sichuan Qingshen exam with

2015-10-16 19:19:32来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 10月16日,来自四川青神全县的99位竹编艺人编织着一幅幅平面竹编和瓷胎竹编作品。中新社记者 刘刚 摄 10月16日,来自四川青神全县的99位竹编艺人编织着一幅幅平面竹编和瓷胎竹编...

participate in interactive on October 16, from Sichuan Qingshen County 99 bamboo artist weaving depicting plane bamboo and bamboo over porcelain works. China News Agency reporter Liu Gang has taken on October 16, from Sichuan Qingshen County 99 bamboo artist weaving a picture plane bamboo and bamboo over porcelain.