新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网上装修产品包选前多查售后保障


Online decoration products package selection before check after-sale protection

2015-07-31 03:29:48来源: 人民网

新兴的网络装修公司和平台推出了不少产品包——水电包、设计包、主材包等,消费者可以综合选择,也可单独购买,这为业主带来了更大的自由。但是,装修是个系统工程,各个产品包的相互衔接及售后保障则需要消费者多加考量。 【详见D02版】

emerging network decoration company and platform launched many products package -- hydropower package, package design, advocate material package, consumers can choose, can also be purchased separately, which for the owners brought greater freedom. However, the decoration is a system engineering, the product package of mutual convergence and after-sales support is required to consider the consumer. [for D02].