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经典延续 盘点6款改编自暴雪游戏的桌游

Continuation of the classic inventory 6 adaptation since Blizzard games boardgame

2015-06-08 11:21:17来源: 天极网


with Blizzard's new work "Blizzard English tyrants," listed in the official, Xu Blizzard fans rob not to test the serial number of the pain finally subsided. Blizzard since the "world of Warcraft" and gradually created many of the popular games, including: "interstellar contend for hegemony", "Diablo" and "world of Warcraft", and today's most popular board games can also be see these classic games figure Hello! In the end what Blizzard games have been adapted into boardgames? These classic video games change...

标签: 游戏 暴雪