新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人类尝试给黑洞拍摄首张“照片”


Humans try to black hole film debut "photos"

2017-04-06 23:54:22来源: 人民网

人类终于要给黑洞拍摄第一张“照片”了。由全球不同地区8个射电望远镜组成的“事件视界望远镜”5日开启,这个口径相当于地球直径的虚拟望远镜将在未来10天内尝试观测银河系中心的超级黑洞“人马座A*”。 ...

Humanity finally to black hole shooting the first "photos". Composed of eight radio telescopes in different parts of the world open "event horizon telescope" 5, the diameter of the diameter of the earth virtual telescope will try in the next 10 days observation of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy "Sagittarius A *". ...