新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝里皮本已签约恒大 国家力量促成银狐接国足

曝里皮本已签约恒大 国家力量促成银狐接国足

Lippi has signed a permanent national power to promote the silver fox's national defense.

2016-10-22 03:15:59来源: 华体网

记者肖良志北京报道 今天,里皮抵达香港,中国足协也没有什么可保密的了。 聘请史上最大牌的世界级名帅里皮担任国足主帅,首先就是为了恢复国家队以及中国足球的信心。从这一点讲,里皮是最合适的人选,也是...

Reporter Xiao Liangzhi reported in Beijing today, Lippi arrived in Hong Kong, the Chinese Football Association has nothing to keep secret. The first thing to do is to restore confidence in the national team and in Chinese football is to hire Lippi, the world's biggest ever coach. From this point of view, Lippi is the most suitable person.