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《学战都市》席尔薇雅登场 游戏详细流程公开

"Chemical warfare and the City" Xierweiya debut game detailed flow disclosure

2016-01-14 14:39:23来源: 新浪

1月28日预计在PSV上推出的《学战都市六芒星武祭 凤华绚烂》最新公开了游戏的具体详细流程,这款游戏原同名动画版第一季已经结束,描述了主人公天雾绫斗直到凤凰星武季准准决战的剧情,本次游戏版则会继续描述动画版后面的故事,游戏采用双主人公制,可以体验到原作中所没有的原创剧情。 在这次游戏...

January 28 is expected to launch on the PSV of "chemical warfare hexagram Wu Ji Fenghua City gorgeous" Recent disclose specific details of the flow of the game, the game of the same name the original animated version of the first quarter has ended, described the protagonist Aya fighting days of fog until Phoenix Star Wu Ji quasi quasi-battle story, this version of the game will continue to be described later animated version of the story, the hero of the game using dual system, you can experience the original story that are not original. In this game ...

标签: 游戏