新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《排球少年:交叉组队战》游戏官方网站正式开放


The Junior Volleyball: cross team war games official website officially opened

2015-10-13 12:11:22来源: 电玩巴士

此前的杂志速报已经透露《排球少年》游戏化第二弹作品《排球少年:交叉组队战(ハイキュー!! Cross team match!)》,而日前官方正式公开了这款新作。本作将登陆3DS平台,不过游戏的发售日和售价依然不明。此外本作的官网也已经开放,目前官网中尚没有什么游戏细节,更多详情还需要等待...

prior to the magazine quick report has revealed that the juvenile volleyball game of the second bomb works the Junior Volleyball: cross team battle (and - fierce,!! cross team match!) ", and recently officially open the this new work. This will be landing 3DS platform, but the sale date and the price is still unknown. In addition to the official website of the official website has also been open, the current official website is still no details of the game, more details also need to wait...

标签: 游戏