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《九州天空城》今晚开播 刘畅朱圣祎主仆恋引关注

Tonight the kyushu sky city "started liu Zhu Shengyi ds love attention

2016-07-20 14:14:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网7月20日电 大型古装玄幻剧《九州天空城》将于今晚22:00江苏卫视开播,该片由杨磊执导,张若昀、关晓彤、刘畅、朱圣祎、贾征宇等领衔主演。据了解,将使网友情绪波动最大的人物之一当属剧中朱圣祎饰...

Beijing, July 20 (Reuters) large costume fantasy drama "kyushu sky city" will be held tonight 22:00 jiangsu TV, the film directed by Yang lei, Zhang Reyun, xiaotong guan, liu chang, Zhu Shengyi, Jia Zhengyu starring, etc. It is understood that will make a net friend mood swings Zhu Shengyi act the role ofing is one of the largest characters play...