新关注 > 信息聚合 > iPhone销量持续下降 苹果需要再"借鉴"三星?

iPhone销量持续下降 苹果需要再"借鉴"三星?

Apple iPhone sales continue to fall need to "reference" samsung?

2016-07-29 14:36:53来源: 电玩巴士

《财富》(Fortune)发表文章称,苹果正面临iPhone销量持续下降的难题,其股价也随之不断下行,或许它可以从也曾遭遇类似情况的三星身上获得一些启发。 以下是文章主要内容: iPhone ...

"Fortune" (Fortune) published an article said that apple is facing the problem of iPhone sales continue to fall, its share price grew with downward, perhaps it can from samsung also encountered a similar situation to get some inspiration. Below is the article main content: the iPhone...

标签: 苹果 三星