新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《空洞骑士》DLC「寻神者」开启方法和地图指引


The hollow knight "DLC" find "god opening method and the map

2018-08-24 11:03:04来源: 游戏时光

《空洞骑士》的最后一个 DLC「寻神者」于2018年8月24日推出,「寻神者」追加了新的场景、敌人和 BOSS。那么玩家该如何开启这个全新的 DLC 呢?下面我们将为各位进行说明。杀死「苍白潜伏者」,拿到简单钥匙由于玩家要获得物品是「简单钥匙」,所以如果玩家此时手里仍持有没有使用的简单钥匙,可能可以直接跳到第二步去皇家水道开门。首先,我们建议想要游玩「寻神者」的玩家,最好已经通关了《空洞骑士》本体。来到「王国边缘」的愚人竞技场,从竞技场下方经过长椅,在长椅和尽头的温泉之间,上方有通道可以跳上去。从通道跳上去就来到了竞技场的右侧,原本这里是个死路,但是更新「寻神者」之后右边的墙可以打破。穿过洞来...

Empty rider last DLC "for god" was launched on August 24, 2018, "for god" add a new scene, the enemy, and BOSS. Then the players how to open the new DLC? Below we will provide you. Kill "sleeper" pale, because taking simple key players to get the item is a simple "key", so if the player at this point the hand still has no use simple key may directly to the second step is to take the royal channel to open the door. First of all, we recommend that players want to play "for god", the best has been customs clearance hole rider ontology. On the edge of the "kingdom" fools arena, from beneath the arena after bench, between the bench and at the end of the hot spring, there is channels can jump over. Jump up and came to the right side of the arena from channel, originally is a dead end here, but after the update "for god" to the right of the wall can be broken. Through the hole to...