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致命火线 《亮剑2》顶尖武器解读之经典名枪

The classic interpretation of "2 deadly fire sword" in the name of the top gun weapon

2015-07-08 11:48:48来源: 多玩游戏

在烽火乱世,想要自保,没有点给力的武器可不行。而枪械就是最可靠的装备。《亮剑2》的顶尖武器里面除了战舰坦克外,还有大量的名枪器械,不论是步枪手枪亦或是狙击枪,都在多年的硝烟战火中成就是经典。 首款热血军旅网游 《亮剑2》官网:http://lj2.zqgame.com/ 世界...

want to play more games in the troubled times, self, without some awesome weapons. And the gun is the most reliable equipment. "Bright sword" top weapons inside in addition to the battleship tanks and a large number of gun device, regardless of the pistol and rifle or sniper rifle, in the years of the smoke of war into is a classic. The first blood military games "sword" 2 World official website: http://lj2.zqgame.com/...