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动作手游《瘦猴逃亡记》四月登场 小猴子也要飞天..

"Escape" action Mobile Games Shouhou April debut little monkey to flying.

2016-03-01 19:52:22来源: 任玩堂

对一些小品游戏有关注的玩家,相信对游戏开发商 PlayPlayFunTiny 不会感到陌生,《周一晚怪兽橄榄球大战》以及即将推出的《准时赶上》均出自该开发商之手。而近日他们曝光了一款动作新游 Monkey Escape《瘦猴逃亡记》,一起来通过视频了解一下本作的玩法吧。 游戏采用的是传...

Focus on some pieces of game player, the game developers believe that PlayPlayFunTiny will not feel strange, "Monday Night Football monster wars" and the upcoming "on time" are from the hands of developers. But they recently exposed a new Monkey Escape "action" Shouhou fled together, through the video about this play. The game is a pass...

标签: 手游