新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《噬神者3》将在近期推出体验版


"He eats god 3" will be launched in the near future experience

2018-09-23 07:11:35来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫娱乐在 TGS 2018 的《噬神者3》特别舞台互动中宣布,他们“即将”通过日本的 PlayStation Store 发布《噬神者3》免费的“限时动作演示”体验版。与此同时,他们也放出了本作开场动画的一部分,动画由Ufotable制作。《噬神者3》是BNEI旗下《噬神者》系列的最新作,本次荒神也可以捕食玩家进入爆发状态,而前几作出现的芬里尔组织似乎也发生了变故,基地遭到了破坏,本作预计于2018年12月13日发售,登陆PS4/PC。来源:Gematsu

Ten thousand generations dream palace entertainment in TGS 2018 "bite" 3 "in special stage in the interactive announced that they" imminent "released by Japan's PlayStation Store" bite "3" free "prompt action" experience. At the same time, they also released this part of the opening animation, animation produced by Ufotable. "Bite" 3 "is BNEI's latest," he eats god "series of the drought god can feed on players enter a state of eruption, and appear a few before lille organization seems to have happened change, base the destruction, this is due to be released on December 13, 2018, landing PS4 / PC. Source: Gematsu