新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏人物没有“穿衣服”的动作到底是怎么回事?


Game characters have no "wear clothes" action in the end is what?

2015-08-24 22:02:17来源: 新浪

游戏中那些飙车飞驰,枪火弥漫,房屋爆破的场景给人感觉真的是High爆了。但你通常不会在游戏中见到一些平常生活的小细节,比如抽烟、接吻、以及……穿衣服。 “穿衣服”的镜头少,因为技术达不到 无论是《暗黑破坏神》、《侠盗猎车手》 、《上古卷轴》还是《巫师》,你都很少真的看见游戏角色们“...

game that speeding motorcycle racing, gunfire diffuse, housing demolition scene feels really High burst. But you don't normally see little details of everyday life, such as smoking, kissing, and...... Dress Wear the clothes, the lens less, because technology is not up to either the "Diablo", "Grand Theft Auto", the Elder Scrolls "or" Wizard ", you are really rarely saw the role of the game".

标签: 游戏