新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一定要走!被多家豪门盯上 德甲妖星最终花落谁家

一定要走!被多家豪门盯上 德甲妖星最终花落谁家

Must go! By several clubs eyeing the bundesliga YaoXing eventually

2016-10-10 14:50:01来源: 华体网

英国《镜报》消息,狼堡中场德拉克斯勒的经纪人法比奥帕里西透露:“德拉克斯勒下赛季将会为一家欧洲豪门俱乐部效力。” 他还透露:“意甲豪门尤文图斯这个夏天差点签下德拉克斯勒,但是由于种种原因最终没有...

Britain's mirror newspaper news, the agent of the Wolf fort midfielder drax le fabio parisi revealed: "drax, next season will play for a Europe's biggest clubs." He also said: "the serie a giants Juventus this summer almost signed drax le, but for various reasons failed...