新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【志愿日照】有种气质叫志愿范儿!


A volunteer rizhao 】 【 temperament is volunteer rocks!

2016-09-21 01:15:35来源: 中青在线

有这么一大波人, 最近很活跃, 到处可以看到他们的身影…… 风景区里,他们是文明旅游劝导员; 文明旅游劝导集中行动,志愿者在阳光海岸 小草学堂里,他们是陪伴成长的老师; 小草学...

There was a big wave, very active recently, everywhere can see them... Scenic spot, they are civilized tourism persuasion member; Civilized tourist allure focused action, and volunteer in the sunshine coast The grass in the school, they are accompanied by growth of the teacher; The grass to learn...