新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛克精灵战记火龙秘境 得专属培养道具

洛克精灵战记火龙秘境 得专属培养道具

Locke Elven wars dragon fam to develop exclusive props

2015-05-14 11:04:19来源: 4399

洛克精灵战记火龙秘境 得专属培养道具洛克精灵战记探索火龙秘境,就能获得龙之渊专属技能石和潜能培养道具,一起来寻宝吧! 活动时间:2015月5月15日-5月28日 活动奖励:龙之渊专属技能石、潜能培养道具 火龙国有一座龙行的秘境,共有12快区域,每一块区域是一座小型迷阵,通过转动石板...

Locke Elven wars dragon fam to develop exclusive props Locke Elven wars to explore the Dragon fam, you can get the Dragon Zhiyuan exclusive skills stone and potential training props, a treasure it! Time: 2015. On 5 March 15 - 5 month 28 Activity Award: Dragon Zhiyuan exclusive skills stone, potential culture props dragon state-owned a Longxing fam, a total of 12 regional, each region is a small maze, by rotating the slate.