新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF重大更新曝光 或将加入助攻及MVP判定

CF重大更新曝光 或将加入助攻及MVP判定

CF will join the major update exposure or assists and MVP

2016-10-19 19:02:02来源: 17173

爆破模式作为CF最经典的模式之一,受到玩家们一直以来的喜爱和关注,为了提升大家在该模式下的体验,官方将对爆破模式进行全面升级,还将加入全新海量道具,听上去很厉害的样子,一起来看下吧! 助攻系统 ...

Blasting mode as one of the most classic pattern of CF, players have been love and attention, in order to ascend in the experience of this mode, the official will have on the blasting models to conduct a comprehensive upgrade, will also join the massive new props, sounds great, let's see! Assists in system...

标签: CF