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《洛奇英雄传》新时装上限 S3新版本揭秘

The lodge hero biography "as the Mabinogi heroes" summer special offer new fashion cap in a new version of the S3 secret

2015-06-10 07:59:58来源: 17173

作为《洛奇英雄传》暑期的特别奉献,新篇章“S3失落的乐园”概念站已经上线,预示着距离正式上线已为期不远。“任何人都不记得的故事,又将重新开始”,概念站的文字似乎暗示着类似提尔和卡丹的剧情故事或许又将有新的延续。 近日,《洛奇英雄传》开发团队室长任德彬就新篇章S3失落的乐园最神秘之处,...

, new chapter "S3 lost paradise" concept station has been on the line, indicating a distance has formally launched in the offing. "No one remember the story, will start afresh", the concept of text seems to imply that similar tyre, and Pierre Cardin story and maybe there will be a continuation of the new. Recently, "vindictus" development team director Ren Debin new chapter S3 paradise lost the most mysterious place,...