新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经营意大利画室 模拟游戏《画家经理人》发售

经营意大利画室 模拟游戏《画家经理人》发售

An Italian studio simulation game "Artist Manager" sale

2015-09-06 14:27:59来源: 178游戏网

曾几何时小编yellowstrong也曾是周末背着画板前往画室的艺术生,可惜面对学业等各方面的压力,我的艺术之路最终走到了尽头。可是,直至今日我内心中还一直残存着对艺术的一丝渴望与幻想。近日,Steam平台发售的一款名为《Painters Guild(画家经理人)》的模拟经营类游戏重新点...

once upon a time yellowstrong was weekend back to the drawing board to the studio art students, but in the face of all aspects of their studies, the pressure, my art road finally come to an end. However, until today, I still have a heart of the art of the slightest desire and fantasy. Recently, Steam platform for sale, a model called Guild Painters (painter manager), the simulation of the game to re point...

标签: 游戏