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美搜搜:跨界分佣,美业 O2O 新玩法

Academics in the United States: the cross-border sub Commission, the beauty industry o2o new gameplay

2015-07-15 12:39:06来源: Tech2IPO

美业市场是块有痛点的大蛋糕,女人们乐于为美付费,但对于「推销办卡」、「消费不透明」以及新兴的上门服务的安全问题顾虑重重。2014 年资本市场的热捧也将美业 O2O 推向了风暴眼。 「美搜搜」科技提...

beauty industry market is block pain in the big cake, the women are willing to pay for the United States, but for the "marketing office card", "consumer opaque" and emerging door-to-door service security hesitates. 2014 the capital market of the United States and the United States O2O also pushed to the storm. "Beauty" search technology...