新关注 > 信息聚合 > 推进智慧城市建设:市场主导是关键


Promote the wisdom of urban construction: to dominate the market is key

2015-08-12 17:23:08来源: 地产中国

日前,银川市对外宣布,以物联网、大数据等信息建设为依托的公共服务查询系统正在全市铺开,智慧城市建设将惠及每一位银川市民。 应该说,国家推行智慧城市试点也已经有一段时间。据不完全统计,全国目前成为智...

recently, Yinchuan foreign announced, in networking, data and other information construction for relying on public service inquiry system is the city spread, the wisdom of urban construction will benefit every Yinchuan citizen. It should be said, the country has been implementing the wisdom of the city has been a long time. According to incomplete statistics, the country is now a wise...