新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚少赛-女足0-2不敌朝鲜获亚军 两新星闪耀

亚少赛-女足0-2不敌朝鲜获亚军 两新星闪耀

Asian little match - women's 2-0 defeat in the Korean won the match wonderful instant of sina sports news Beijing time on May 24, 17 points, 2015 AFC U-14 women's Football Championship (East Asia) to start the final battle runner up two star shines Sina

2015-05-24 19:00:50来源: 新浪

女足亚少赛精彩瞬间 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月24日17点,2015年亚足联U-14女足锦标赛(东亚区)展开决赛争夺。中国国少女足0-2不敌朝鲜获得亚军,朝鲜队以5战全胜进37球失1球的战绩强势夺...

women's soccer team Asia Shaolin. China National Women 0-2 against North Korea won the runner up, the Korean team to 5 straight victories scored 37 goals to lose 1 balls of the record won a strong...