新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁波7000余辆进口汽车因缺陷召回 主动召回成常态..

宁波7000余辆进口汽车因缺陷召回 主动召回成常态..

Ningbo more than 7000 cars imported cars due to defects of recall recall initiative into normal..

2015-03-12 18:05:42来源: 中国新闻网

中新网宁波3月12日电(见习记者 林波)又到了每年一度的“3·15”,随着社会经济的发展,家庭生活水平不断提高,消费者对汽车质量的关注日趋提高。3月12日,记者从宁波出入境检验检疫局新闻通气会上获悉...

in new network Ningbo on 12 March, (trainee reporter Lin Bo) went to the annual "3 - 15", with the social and economic development, and constantly improve the level of family life, focus on the quality of automobile consumers increasingly improve. In March 12th, a reporter from the Ningbo entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau news ventilation meeting was informed...