新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易云音乐校园开放日武汉站好声音学员周深夏恒..


NetEase cloud music campus open day WuHan Railway Station good voice students Zhou Shenxia constant..

2014-08-13 16:29:51来源: 汉网

在刚刚过去的周六,网易云音乐邀请到中国好声音人气学员周深和夏恒来到武汉城光谷步行街,再次唱响好声音,圆了众多音乐顽家们去不了好声音现场的梦。 网易云音乐为了让众多喜爱音乐的人听到更真实、更高品质的的...

this past Saturday, NetEase cloud music invited to Chinese sound good popularity of students Zhou Shen and Xia Heng arrived in Wuhan City Optics Valley walking street, once again singing sound good, round numerous music coercive scientists cannot go to the good sound field of dreams. NetEase cloud music so many musicians to hear more real, more high quality...

标签: 网易