新关注 > 信息聚合 > 番茄孵化器签约—捷报频传


Tomato incubator signing - good news

2017-09-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

经历过九月上旬番茄孵化器一批学员学成毕业和公司相继成立的喜悦,在9月18号番茄孵化器又迎来了一批签约客户。可谓是捷报频传,创业者对番茄孵化器的信任和支持,是我们前行的最大动力。客户的支持,为我们这个创业平台,注入了源源不断的动力。 来自河南洛阳的创业者—王璐 ,在9月18号与番茄孵化器签约成功。王总正是看到了手游行业的巨大前景,在了解到现在全国手游玩家5亿多人,75%的玩家都是付费玩家,王总意识到这片创业蓝海,但是也意识到创业机遇稍纵即逝。当他苦苦寻找手游行业里最佳的创业项目的时候,与番茄孵化器手游创业项目一拍即合。成功实现了从原来从事土建工程到手游创业的成功转型。 番茄孵化器最...

Experienced early September tomato incubator a batch of students the joy of graduation and the company set up in September 18, tomatoes incubator and usher in a batch of contract customers. Is a good news, entrepreneurs for tomato incubator's trust and support, is our biggest power forward. Customer support, for our this business platform, injected with a steady stream of power. Entrepreneurs - jade (wang lu from henan luoyang, on September 18, signed a contract with tomato incubator success. Mr.wong vast prospect of see hand tour industry, the understanding to the present national hands by getting more than 500 million people, 75% of the players are paid players, mr.wong realized the entrepreneurial blue ocean, but also realize the entrepreneurial opportunities are fleeting. When searching for his hand in the travel industry best entrepreneurial projects, and tomato incubator tour start-ups hit it off hand. From engaged in civil engineering is implemented on the success of the business transformation. Tomato incubator is the most...