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Fairy treasure can dream GO way pavilion advanced defensive need the complete and elves

2016-07-20 17:25:00来源: 新浪

道馆(日文ジム,英文Gym)是精灵trainers可以锻炼他们的精灵的地方。Pokemon go里的道馆,是现实地图上的塔。 按照正统原作的设定,PMgo中的Gym都应该是格斗类道馆。不掉落徽章,没有固定属性(不排除以后可以和道馆训练师如小刚或者四天王战斗。) 道馆奖励 通过道...

Pavilion (Japanese ジ ム, Gym in English) is the place where trainers can exercise their elves. Pokemon go in the way of the pavilion, is the reality the tower on the map. According to the orthodoxy is the set of the original PMgo Gym should be fighting in the pavilion. Sticktite badge, there is no fixed attributes (later can not rule out and the pavilion trainer or four heavenly Kings such as xiao gang fight.) The pavilion reward Through the way...