新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁O谁I? 数据告诉你为啥是58同城吞并赶集

谁O谁I? 数据告诉你为啥是58同城吞并赶集

Who O who I? The data tell you why is the 58 city annexed

2015-04-30 13:20:12来源: 新浪

图一、58同城的MAU(月活跃度)大致是58同城是赶集的4倍 新浪科技王上 同做生活服务O2O,为啥是58同城吞并了赶集,而不是赶集吞并58同城?一组数据告诉你真相。 移动互联网时代,PC流量整体都在下滑。大数据技术公司集奥聚合GEO本次数据仅从移动端考察最近一个月用户的使用...

map, Sina market 58 city MAU (monthly active) is roughly 58 city market is 4 times the king with sina science and technology service life O2O, why is the 58 city annexed the fair, not fair annexation of the 58 city? A set of data tell you the truth. The mobile Internet era, the overall PC traffic are in decline. Technology companies with large data sets using GEO data only the Austrian polymerization from the mobile terminal user investigation last month...