新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联妖王近半选票荣膺9月最佳 力压伊布二度当选

曼联妖王近半选票荣膺9月最佳 力压伊布二度当选

Manchester united of the lich king in September nearly half the votes won best zlatan ibrahimovic second pressure was elected

2016-10-08 05:33:57来源: 新浪

拉什福德当选 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月8日消息,曼联通过官方网站宣布了9月份最佳球员的得主,拉什福德以近半数的选票第二次当选月最佳。 在9月的6场比赛中,拉什福德打进了3个进球,对手分别是...

Rush at elected sina news sports news Beijing standard time on October 8, Manchester united from the official website announced the winner of the best player in September, rush at nearly half of the votes in the second month elected the best. In six games in September, Ian rush scored three goals, competitors are...