新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄之境风暴战戟


Hero environmental storm war halberd

2015-09-25 08:48:33来源: 4399

英雄之境风暴战戟,英雄之境迪穆武器 武器名称:风暴战戟(S级) 适用英雄:迪穆 武器类型:突 描述:在风暴中被海啸冲上岸的奇异兵器,据说是来自神秘海底世界的物品。 武器属性:(最大) 攻击21;暴击48;命中54

hero throughout the storm halberd, hero cause weapons Name: Storm halberd (s) for Hero: cause weapon types: Process Description: in the storm is tsunami washed ashore the singular weapon, is said to be items from the mysterious underwater world. Weapon attributes: (max) attack 21; critical hit 48; hit 54