新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朱芳雨:球队压力不会给年轻人


Sf: team pressure not to young people

2016-11-04 15:29:03来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间11月4日,2016-17赛季CBA第三轮比赛即将打响。已经遭遇两连败的广东主场对阵吉林,朱芳雨希望年轻队员要放松心态,甩开压力,“压力我们自己消化就好。” 赛季开始两连败,...

Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on November 4, 2016-17 on the third round of the CBA. Has suffered two consecutive defeat's home game against jilin, guangdong fangyu zhu hope that young players to relax mood, pressure, the pressure it is good to our digestion. Start of the season two defeats,...