新关注 > 信息聚合 > 互联网时代,你该为谁工作?


The age of the Internet, you should work for who?

2015-04-06 09:12:15来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/李北辰(微信公号:future-is-coming) 最近一段时间,或许是由于我个人对未来工作的举棋不定,长久以来一直盘旋在心的一个问题被重新唤起:“互联网时代,你该为谁工作?” 我知道,对于那些深谙“U盘化...

welcome WeChat subscription number on "things": sinachuangshiji / Li Beichen (WeChat public No.: future-is-coming) a recent period of time, perhaps because I hesitate about what move to make to the future work, has long been hovering recalled a problem in heart: "the age of the Internet, you should be who work?" I know, for those familiar with "U disk...