新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科嫂安排小球迷见面科比 飞侠竟给萌娃当球童

科嫂安排小球迷见面科比 飞侠竟给萌娃当球童

Secco putting small fans meet Bryant Peter to work as a caddy of Eva

2016-06-08 20:24:04来源: 华体网

6月8日 科比-布莱恩特一直是NBA的超人气球星,此前网络上曾经流传了一段视频,一位小球迷得知科比退役的消息后开始痛哭。如今科比的爱妻瓦妮莎从中“作美”,帮助这位小球迷与“飞侠”完成了一次亲密接...

On June 8, kobe Bryant has always been the NBA super star, after the Internet has been around for a period of video, a small fans kobe retired after the news began to cry. Now kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa from "nature", to help the young fans with "Peter pan" finished a close by...