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Drops for ningbo network taxi booking business license, expand service will be more smoothly

2017-04-14 17:45:08来源: DoNews


On April 14 news, ningbo transportation pipe department formally issued to drops travel online booking taxi business license, ningbo joined in tianjin, chengdu, shenyang, Qingdao, hangzhou and guiyang, another to drops offline license shall be issued for cities. Learned, according to the ministry of transport and other seven ministries of the network to make an appointment the taxi business service management interim measures "(hereinafter referred to as" the net about the New Deal ") regulation, network platform about car should have online and offline service ability. Previously, drops in tianjin web about car online service capacity determined results, can be common all over the country. The drops travel in ningbo for the network to make an appointment the taxi trade license, means that drops in ningbo service will be more smoothly. Drops travel has said, the next step will cooperate with the requirements of local authorities, as soon as possible to complete related work, constantly accelerate the driver and the vehicle's compliance. Before, drops by push driving...