新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不该这么做:烈日下跑步1小时 女白领中暑险丧命

不该这么做:烈日下跑步1小时 女白领中暑险丧命

Shouldn't do it: the sun running 1 hour Female white-collar heat stroke risk

2016-07-14 09:46:50来源: 新浪

聪明的跑者不会这么做 (原标题)烈日下跑步一小时 女白领中暑险丧命 专家建议高温天气下应避免进行剧烈的体育运动 今年夏日似乎格外“热情”,频频开启“烧烤”模式。爱好户外跑步的中山市民刘女...

Smart runners didn't do this (the original title) sun running for an hour Female white-collar heat stroke risk Experts suggest that under the high temperature weather should avoid violent sports This year summer seems particularly "passion", frequently open "barbecue" mode. Zhongshan citizens liu female hobby outdoor running...