新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日收盘:黄金股逆势走强 大盘跳水险守3100点

今日收盘:黄金股逆势走强 大盘跳水险守3100点

Closed today: gold stocks contrarian stronger Plunge of 3100 points

2016-11-03 10:57:00来源: 财新网

财新网11月2日电:多数板块飘绿,基建股领跌,沪指收报3102.73点,跌幅0.63%。 周三沪深两市早盘低开低走,受基建股、煤炭等板块拖累,沪指在横盘震荡后小幅跳水,午后在3100点附近低位震荡。创业板指重挫跌逾1%。盘面上多数飘绿,建筑装饰全天领跌。题材概念方面,黄金珠宝指数午后...

Caixin nov 2 (Reuters) : most of the green plate, infrastructure shares led declines, the Shanghai composite index closed at 3102.73 points, or 0.63%. On Wednesday, the Shanghai and shenzhen two cities in early trading opened lower down, the infrastructure sector, coal and other sectors, the Shanghai composite index slightly diving after sideways shock, afternoon in shakeouts near 3100. The gem refers to plunge down more than 1%. Disk most floating on the green, architectural decoration led throughout the day. Subject concept, index of gold jewelry in the afternoon...