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阿里巴巴大数据:女生胸越大 越“败家”

Alibaba big data: Schoolgirl chest more "Prodigal"

2014-11-15 17:29:22来源: 新浪网

今年夏天,数据分析师在对阿里巴巴内衣销售数据分析后发现,购买大号内衣的女性往往更“败家”。 在将这些内衣购买者的消费数据进行整理后,分析师发现,65%B罩杯的女性属于低消费顾客,而C罩杯及以上的顾客大多属于中等消费或高消费买家。 事实上,在阿里巴巴[微博]每天上百万的订单量中隐藏...

this summer, the data analyst in the analysis of the Alibaba underwear sales data, the purchase of large underwear women tend to be more "black sheep". Found in the consumption data analyst will these underwear buyers after finishing, 65%B cup, the female belongs to the low consumption of customer, and C cup and above customers mostly belongs to the moderate consumption or high consumption buyers. In fact, hidden orders in Alibaba [micro-blog] every day millions of...

标签: 大数据