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《神武2》八大暑期活动福利多 优我女团邀你清凉一夏

"2" eight brilliant summer activities and I invite you to their welfare more cool summer

2017-08-04 12:35:04来源: DoNews

不知不觉这个暑假已经过半了,你在《神武2》夏日狂欢季又收获了多少欢乐和福利呢?在今年的夏天里,《神武2》在延续经典玩法深海捕鱼和运筹帷幄的同时,还增加了紧张刺激的夏日密战、斗智斗勇的躲避猎人等多个全新玩法。八大暑期活动正在如火如荼地进行中,优我女团邀你清凉一夏!【图1 狂欢盛夏】新服推荐:“华山之巅”、“醉忆相思”《神武2》官方网站:http://sw.duoyi.com/《神武2》夏日狂欢季:http://sw.duoyi.com/jieri/summer/《神武2》宠物同人大赛:http://sw.duoyi.com/act/2017/cultures/八大活动 福利多多在《神武2》夏日狂...

This summer has been more than half imperceptibly, you in the "2" brilliant summer carnival season and harvest much joy and welfare? In the summer of this year, "brilliant 2" in the continuation of the classic gameplay deep-sea fishing and strategizing at the same time, also increased the excitement of the summer secret war, the battle of wits to escape the hunter and many other new play. Eight summer activities are carrying on like a raging fire, and I invite you to a cool summer group! [figure 1] new Carnival summer clothing is recommended: "Huashan time", "Yi" Drunk Love "brilliant 2" official website: "http://sw.duoyi.com/ 2" brilliant summer carnival season: "http://sw.duoyi.com/jieri/summer/ 2" pet brilliant contest: http://sw.duoyi.com/act/2017/ cultures/ eight people in a lot of welfare activities "brilliant 2" summer...