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网易天下IP新手游曝光 画质接近端游水准

Netease all IP novice swim exposure Swimming level quality close to the end

2016-03-13 00:17:29来源: 17173

网易即将推出“天下”IP正统续作,次世代3D MMORPG手游《天下》。据悉,本作是由《天下3》端游原班人马打造。为了保证研发不受外界影响,让热爱“天下”的玩家们都能获得最佳的游戏体验,研发过程一直对外高度保密。据悉,本作即将启动首轮小规模开荒测试。 首测邀请码现已开放申请,广大喜爱...

Netease IP orthodox sequel to "the world", is coming out next generation 3 d MMORPG mobile game "the world". It is reported, this is from the "world 3" player-wise swim. In order to ensure that development is not affected by the outside world, let love "all" players can get the best gaming experience, research and development process has been foreign highly confidential. It is reported, this is about to start the first round of small-scale forest test. First invite code is now open to apply for, the masses of love...

标签: 网易 手游